Honey (2010)

103 minutes TR Drama
In the remote and undeveloped eastern Black Sea region, a six-year-old boy (Yusuf) wanders through the woods searching for his lost father, trying to make sense of his life.His father is a beekeeper whose bees have disappeared unexpectedly, threatening his livelihood. A bizarre accident kills the father.There is little dialogue or music in the film. The three main characters (Yusuf and his parents) are all fairly taciturn, and the soundtrack is filled out with the sounds of the forest and the creatures that live there.The environment is a recurring theme.
Semih Kaplanoğlu
Barış Özbiçer
Director of Photography
Ayhan Ergürsel
Gökhan Balseven
First Assistant Camera


Barış Özbiçer
Director of Photography
Gökhan Balseven
First Assistant Camera
Tobias Fleig
Supervising Sound Editor
Naz Erayda
Production Design
Rainer Heesch
Sound Designer
Ozge Ozturk
Costume Design