The Longest Night (2019)

The Longest Night
95 minutes ES Drama , Crime , Thriller
She is the perfect woman until she decides to be free
A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter’s illness and a drug addiction prevent her from delivering her usual share. An unexpected event will give her the opportunity to stop obeying and take justice into her own hands.
Quincas Moreira
Original Music Composer
Roberto Frisone
Production Design
Andrea Chignoli
Amaia Merino


Quincas Moreira
Original Music Composer
Roberto Frisone
Production Design
Gabriel Reyna
Sound Designer
Gris Jordana
Director of Photography
Juan José Luzuriaga
Sound Recordist
Gabriela Calvache
Executive Producer
Geminiano Pineda
Executive Producer
Mauricio T. Valle
Associate Producer
Daniela Fuentes
Executive Producer